Indian AI paradox

 The Indian AI paradox: Managing innovation and regulation in AI Governance

The Indian AI Paradox

  • The extent to which Artificial Intelligence (AI) should be governed is currently a topic of intense debate in India. On one hand, we see the United States leading in AI innovation, while on the other, the European Union is at the forefront of AI regulations through its forthcoming EU AI Act. In early 2023, when the current wave of AI had just started, the IT ministry in India adopted a pro-innovation stance similar to that of the US, clearly stating that the government doesn’t intend to regulate AI. However, over the last few months, the policymakers in India have shown quite a lot of interest in regulating certain aspects of AI, if not all, and have made significant strides in the governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
  • The ‘Digital Personal Data Protection Act’ was enacted in August 2023 as the first privacy law in India. In addition, the Digital India Bill was drafted in 2023, which would be up for consultation and subsequent enactment and execution by the next government post the 2024 elections. It aims to replace India’s existing Information Technology Act of 2000 and provide comprehensive oversight of the digital landscape by addressing modern-day challenges, such as cybercrime, data protection, deepfakes, and online safety – issues which could all be exacerbated through the use of AI. At the recent G20 summit, Prime Minister Modi reasserted the need for global regulation of AI, specifically the issue of deepfakes. Additionally, in January 2024, new rules addressing bias in AI algorithms and spread of misinformation through deepfakes were proposed through amendments to the IT Act. In summary, the policymakers in India are clearly concerned about the cybersecurity, safety, legal, and ethical issues related to AI.
  • Last month, the government issued an advisory requiring Gen AI tech platform companies to obtain its explicit approval before publicly releasing any generative AI models or tools. The concern was that certain outputs from these generative AI tools could potentially interfere with the upcoming electoral process. Furthermore, it was presumed that these models were inherently unreliable and insufficiently tested. However, this advisory was retracted just two weeks later and replaced by a new one, recommending the same companies to self-regulate. The new advisory suggests adding labels to the output of their models, warning of their potential unreliability.
  • Based on the chain of events in the last year, one can conclude that India will take a path that is not entirely aligned with the strategies of either the US or the EU. It will have to find a balance in the middle, considering its unique challenges and potential benefits. The government is expected to release the draft AI regulation framework by July this year, after the electoral process is over and a new government takes charge. A notable distinction between India and the West is the enforcement of laws, primarily attributed to weaknesses in India’s state capacity. Due to this, overly strict AI Governance regulations could prove counterproductive. Therefore, finding a balanced approach is key.
  • To determine the appropriate extent and type of governance, we should understand the primary issues that need to be addressed. Different countries prioritize different objectives – for instance, the EU underscores the importance of maintaining privacy, evident through their stringent privacy laws like GDPR. In India, although we have just released a Digital Personal Data Protection Act less than a year ago, it is not as exhaustive and enforceable as the GDPR. This reflects the broad consensus among policymakers that our nation does not have the appetite for over-governance on the privacy front.
  • In an effort to responsibly manage AI, the NITI Aayog, the government’s apex public policy think tank, set a number of guiding principles in February 2021. These included the Principle of Safety and Reliability, the Principle of Equality, the Principle of Inclusivity and Non-discrimination, the Principle of Privacy and Security, the Principle of Transparency, the Principle of Accountability, and the Principle of Protection and Reinforcement of Positive Human Values.
  • Among these principles, the first three principles regarding reliability, equality, inclusivity, and non-discrimination are better handled through a self-governance or reactive governance model rather than a proactive regulatory governance model. This is to mitigate the impacts of over-governance, which can hinder innovation capability, especially considering the extensive range of potential control checkpoints around these principles that might not be adequately addressed by a regulatory framework. It’s hard to imagine government intervention in the reliability and fairness controls. Also, although fairness in AI systems is a common topic of discussion, identifying the appropriate metrics, such as demographic parity, equalized opportunity, or equalized odds, can be challenging and highly dependent on individual use cases. The fourth principle involving Privacy and Security is currently being managed through the Digital Personal Data Protection Act.
  • Unlike the West, and similar to many other densely populated and digitally connected countries, India is at high risk of experiencing adverse effects from misinformation. This makes accountability, transparency, and protection and reinforcement of positive human values imperative to govern. A recent example of this was the Indian IT ministry issuing a hasty advisory, only to amend it a few weeks later, a situation whose genesis can be attributed to misinformation on a well-known Gen AI platform. We clearly need to hold technology firms that host such high-impact Generative AI systems accountable for the output of these systems. Additionally, we should require these firms to be transparent with end users, particularly about potential unreliability, hence demonstrating and promoting positive human and societal values.
  • In conclusion, as India progresses towards implementing AI Governance guardrails, it is imperative to carefully evaluate the unique challenges. Subsequently, with a robust feasibility analysis, policymakers should formulate AI Governance regulations that are pragmatic to both implement and enforce.

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