India’s draft digital competition bill – comparative perspectives

India’s draft digital competition bill – comparative perspectives

India’s Draft Digital Competition Bill

The Committee on Digital Competition Law in India recently released its report recommending that India too, like the European Union must have ex-ante regulations, in the context of digital competition. In its report, the Committee released the draft Digital Competition Bill, 2024. This move is aligned with global regulatory approaches to anti-trust practices in digital markets. But India’s approach remains more favorable to platforms than individual customers, speaking from a data point of view. In this post, I contour data related anti-trust provisions applicable to digital markets of China-European Union-India, to drive home India’s industry friendly countenance.

India: The Committee noted that the role of data is a key differentiator between physical markets and digital markets, and that data uniquely plays to the advantage of large incumbents in their entry into related markets, acting as a key enabler for vertical integration. The Committee also recognised the advantage that access to data provides in terms of better understanding of the customer needs, targeted advertisements, and customised services. As a response the Committee has recommended (in the draft of the Digital Competition Bill) that the following restrictions be placed on Systemically Significant Data Enterprises (Sec 10-15 of the draft Act):

  1. SSDE shall not favour its own products or vendors or suppliers. 
  2. SSDE shall not utilise non-public data of business users to compete with business users operating on its platform.
  3. SSDE shall not without the consent of the end user or business user intermix or cross use the personal data of the end user or data of the business user obtained from the platform.
  4. SSDE shall not without the consent of the end user or business user permit the usage of their data by any third party.
  5. SSDE shall enable the end user or business user of their platform to port their data in a format (that will be prescribed).

European Union: The Digital Markets Act was passed in 2022 and became applicable from May 2023. Gatekeepers were given time to comply with the provisions until March 2024. About limiting data-related anti-monopolistic practices, gatekeepers have the following obligations (from Articles 5-7):

  1. Gatekeepers are not permitted to process personal data of end-users provided to vendors on a platform to target advertisements to such end users.
  2. Gatekeepers are not permitted to combine personal data of end-users from a platform with any other source of personal data or cross use such data.
  3. Gatekeepers are not permitted to sign in end users to any other service of the platform to combine personal data, without prior informed consent.
  4. Gatekeepers shall not utilise non-public data of business users to compete with business users operating on its platform.
  5. Gatekeepers shall enable the end user or business user of their platform to port their data in a format.
  6. Gatekeepers shall provide to business users access to personal data of end users to the extent that the personal data pertains to use by the end users of the product or service on the platform, and subject to end-users having opted in to sharing such data. 

China: In 2021, the Antitrust Commission of the State Council published its Guidelines on the antitrust regulation of the platform economy. This document laid down a detailed and operational regulatory framework enabling regulators to judge whether platforms are colluding with each other, holding a dominant position or organizing prohibited mergers and acquisitions.  The 2021 regulation on recommendation algorithms can be said to be the Chinese response to controlling anti-trust practices on digital platforms. However, the original motivation for the regulation was more political in nature. With time, and particularly with the uncovering of unfair practices against gig workers, Chinese authorities cracked down on China’s large tech platforms. The regulation on recommendation algorithms have provisions barring providers from using algorithms for anti–competitive business practices or excessive price discrimination. Providers were also told not to build algorithms that “go against ethics and morals” by “inducing users to become addicted or spend too much.” Individual users were also granted new rights by the regulation, including the right to turn off algorithmic recommendation services, to delete tags used to personalize recommendations, and to receive an explanation when an algorithm has a major impact on their interests. Most significant contribution of the recommendation algorithm regulation is: the algorithm registry. The registry is an online database of algorithms that have “public opinion properties or . . . social mobilization capabilities.” Developers of these algorithms are required to submit information on how their algorithms are trained and deployed, including which datasets the algorithm is trained on. They are also required to complete an “algorithm security self-assessment report”. Once an algorithm is successfully registered, a limited version of the filing is made public. 

Comparative Analysis: China has taken quite a severe approach to regulating the algorithms that power digital markets, by launching the algorithm registry, thereby leaving little to no autonomy to digital platforms. The European Union explicitly bans gatekeepers from using, combining or processing personal data of end users. But India, seems to take a more lenient approach allowing digital platforms to  use/ process the personal data of end users based on their consent. The Committee falls further short by failing to recommend that the consent is to be an “opt-in” (rather than the opt-out model of deemed consent under Section 7(a) of India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act).

India’s proposed law effectively combats self-preferencing, and prevents the platform from competing with its business users, but the law still permits the platform to take the consent of the end user or business user, before it combines the data from other sources. Theoretically, this means that Amazon in India can collect user data and do several things such as sell data to insurers, share with third parties who may be interested in the data so long as it obtains consent from the end user and does not compete with the business users of its platform.  A consent-based approach amidst a consent fatigued population is not likely to curb anti-monopolistic practices, as the platform can still engage in market capture by data pooling and horizontal integration (think about Amazon starting banking/lending/ credit rating; also how Swiggy leveraged its customer data to expand grocery delivery) relying on consent provided by the end user. This is a significant loose end under the proposed Indian law and it remains to be seen whether stakeholders push for language similar to the EU’s Digital Markets Act on this front as well.

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